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Dabei seit: 29.06.2007
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So, ich mach jetzt mal einen neuen Thread auf.

Genau wie bei Anne Hathaway hab ich in den letzten Wochen viel gelesen, was ich bei besten Willen nicht in die vorhandenen Threads stopfen konnte.
Das erste, was mir heute unter die Augen kam, passt natürlich eigentlich besser in die Spekuecke, grrrr.

Michelle Williams 'romancing Jonze'
Thursday, July 24 2008, 12:28 BST

By Alex Fletcher, Entertainment Reporter

Michelle Williams has been romantically linked to movie director Spike Jonze.

The actress, who was previously engaged to Heath Ledger, was spotted embracing Jonze at his Manhattan apartment.

A source told Star: "Michelle kissed Spike with a closed mouth on the corner of his lips. There was definitely a bit of caressing going on.

"She was clutching his arm. The body language was very romantic."

Williams first met Jonze when she auditioned for a role in his upcoming movie Where The Wild Things Are.

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mußte erstmal googeln wer denn das ist *g

Die Ex-Verlobte von Heath Ledger hat sich offenbar einen der kreativsten Regisseure Hollywoods an Land gezogen. Michelle Williams (27) soll mit Spike Jonze (38) eine neue Liebe gefunden haben. Beide trafen sich schon im Jahre 2006 bei einer Probe für einen seiner Filme, doch die wahre Freundschaft blühte erst letztes Jahr auf - am Set des Films “Synecdoche, New York”, den Spike Jonze als Produzent begleitete. Das “Star”-Magazin weiß nun zu berichten, das Michelle Williams ihre neue Liebe am 2. Juli küßte und ihn umklammerte.

Jonze war zuvor mit Regisseurin Sofia Coppola (”Virgin Suicides”) , Tochter von Francis Ford-Coppola verheiratet. Jonze ist übrigens der Erfinder der MTV-Serie “Jackass”.


...und trotzdem durchströmt ihn ein Lustgefühl, weil er von Jack Twist geträumt hat.
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Dabei seit: 29.06.2007
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Habe heute "im Vorbeiflug" am Zeitungsstand gesehn, dass in der neuen Gala ein größerer Bericht über Michelle ist.

Möglicherweise ist es dieser Text:

Die Übermacht seines Schattens
Sechs Monate nach Heath Ledgers Tod versucht Schauspielerin Michelle Williams, die Vergangenheit hinter sich lassen. Zwei Männer helfen ihr

Sein Gesicht ist überall. Es prangt an Hauswänden, auf Bussen und in U-Bahn-Stationen. Seit Wochen ist New York mit Werbeplakaten für den neuen Batman-Film "The Dark Knight" zugeklebt. Plakate, auf denen Heath Ledger als wahnsinniger Superschurke Joker zu sehen ist und die Michelle Williams immer wieder einen Stich ins Herz versetzen. Denn die seelischen Wunden, die sie durch den plötzlichen Tod ihres früheren Partners erlitten hat - Ledger starb am 22. Januar 2008 im Alter von 28 Jahren an einer Überdosis Medikamente - sind bis heute nicht verheilt. Zwar ist sie inzwischen dabei, mit Hilfe von zwei engen Freunden, Trevor DiCarlo und Spike Jonze, den Spaß am Leben wiederzufinden. Doch im Augenblick wird die Situation für die Schauspielerin nahezu unerträglich.

Denn seitdem "The Dark Knight" bei seinem Start in 4.366 US-Kinos am ersten Wochenende ein Rekordergebnis von 100 Millionen Euro einspielte, kennt der Hype um Heath Ledger keine Grenzen mehr. Auf der Straße, in TV-Talkshows, im Radio - überall sprechen die Menschen über sein darstellerisches Können. Auch Kritiker überschlagen sich und mutmaßen, dass der Australier posthum sogar noch einen Oscar erhält. Gleichzeitig gibt es erneut zermürbende Spekulationen um die Umstände seines Todes: War es wirklich nur die Verquickung unglücklicher Umstände oder doch Selbstmord? "Die vergangenen Wochen haben Michelle deshalb sehr mitgenommen. Ständig wurde sie mit Heaths Gesicht, seiner Arbeit und somit auch der traurigen Vergangenheit konfrontiert. Und das in einer Phase, in der sie versucht, endlich etwas mehr Abstand zu gewinnen und für sich und Matilda ein neues Leben aufzubauen", zitiert der britische "Sunday Mirror" einen Vertrauten. Für die 27-Jährige Gründe genug, die Notbremse zu ziehen. Sie verließ den Big Apple und tauchte mit Tochter Matilda, 2, die aus ihrer rund drei Jahre andauernden Beziehung mit Ledger stammt, bei einer Freundin auf dem Land unter. Weg von den riesigen Plakaten, den Erinnerungen, dem Druck.

Erst wenn sich der Rummel gelegt hat, will sie wieder nach New York zurückkehren. Dorthin, wo auch jene Männer leben, die für sie derzeit die größte emotionale Stütze sind. Da ist zum einen Regisseur Spike Jonze, 38, den sie bereits seit Jahren kennt und zu dem sie zuletzt eine immer engere Beziehung aufgebaut hat. Michelle und Sofia Coppolas Ex verstehen sich so gut, dass die US-Zeitschrift "Star" sogar eine sich anbahnende Liebe sieht. Und dann ist da noch Trevor DiCarlo, 29, der zu Ledgers engsten Kumpels zählte und ihn seit der Kindheit kannte. Wie die britische "Daily Mail" berichtet, verbringen er und Michelle viel Zeit miteinander. Sie gehen zusammen essen und unternehmen Spaziergänge durch Brooklyn, bei denen DiCarlo auch gerne mal Matildas Kinderwagen schiebt. "Sicher tun die beiden einander sehr gut, aber sie sind nur enge Freunde",
Tatsächlich fühlt sich Michelle Williams noch immer nicht bereit für eine neue Beziehung und vergräbt sich stattdessen in Arbeit, dreht einen Film nach dem anderen. Auch bei der New-Yorker-Premiere von "The Dark Knight" wurde deutlich, wie tief der Schmerz über den Verlust bei ihr noch sitzt: Sie blieb dem Spektakel fern - im Gegensatz zu Ledgers Vater Kim, der samt Familie aus Australien anreiste, um seinen Sohn bei dieser Gelegenheit auf der Leinwand zu sehen. "Es war sehr hart für uns, aber wir sind froh, dass wir ihn noch einmal bei dem Job beobachten konnten, den er so geliebt hat", zog er nach der Vorstellung Bilanz. Nur einer wurde es dann doch einfach zu viel: Heaths Schwester Kate verließ zwischendurch immer wieder den Kinosaal. Eine Situation, der sich Michelle erst gar nicht aussetzen wollte.

Überdies geht sie der Familie ihres Ex-Partners, von dem sie sich im August 2007 wegen seines Drogenkonsums getrennt hatte, am liebsten aus dem Weg. Denn der Streit um Ledgers auf mehr als zwölf Millionen Euro geschätztes Vermögen, schwelt weiter. Da der Star sein Testament bereits 2003 aufgesetzt hat - also noch bevor er Michelle kennenlernte und Matilda zur Welt kam - wurden die beiden darin nicht bedacht. Bis heute hat Vater Kim, der immer wieder versprach, dass für die beiden finanziell gesorgt werde, immer noch kein Geld aus dem Nachlass herausgerückt, wie ein Insider gegenüber GALA verriet. Eins steht jedenfalls fest: Die Schatten der Vergangenheit dürften sie in Zukunft immer wieder einholen. Erst recht im Februar 2009, wenn Heath Ledger tatsächlich posthum für den Oscar nominiert werden sollte und der Hype um ihn dann erneut losgeht …

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06.08.2008 18:59 brando ist offline E-Mail an brando senden Beiträge von brando suchen Nehmen Sie brando in Ihre Freundesliste auf

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Dabei seit: 29.06.2007
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Williams hires security against paparazzi
Friday, August 15 2008, 19:30 BST

By Simon Reynolds, Entertainment Reporter

Michelle Williams has allegedly hired a bodyguard to keep paparazzi from her.
The actress, who has two-year-old daughter Matilda with the late Heath Ledger, is rumoured to be dating film director Spike Jonze.
A source is quoted in the New York Post as saying: "Before Michelle leaves the house with Matilda, she has a bodyguard go around her block and make sure there are no photographers."

Jonze and Williams were recently spotted dining together in Los Angeles.
"During dinner, they would lean in and kiss each other over the table," an onlooker said. "By the end of the meal, Michelle was sitting on Spike's lap and they were smooching."

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16.08.2008 18:28 brando ist offline E-Mail an brando senden Beiträge von brando suchen Nehmen Sie brando in Ihre Freundesliste auf

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Ein Riiiiesenbericht über Michelle aus der New York Times

For Michelle Williams, It’s All Personal
Published: September 4, 2008

MICHELLE WILLIAMS has an Academy Award nomination, the open adulation of major filmmakers and a résumé that is striking in its worldliness and creative ambition. But if her career has seemed to progress almost inconspicuously, it is partly because of its introspective bent — small movies, subtle performances — and partly because it has lately existed in the shadow of her personal life.

Ms. Williams’s maturity and capacity for quietly wrenching pathos were apparent even on the teenage soap “Dawson’s Creek,” on which she played the troubled Jen Lindley. In her film roles she has revealed a gift both for screwball comedy (“Dick,” “The Baxter”) and bruising emotional drama (most memorably in her Oscar-nominated performance as the spurned wife Alma in Ang Lee’s “Brokeback Mountain”). She has repeatedly taken chances on under-the-radar indies (“The Station Agent,” “The Hawk Is Dying”) while catching the attention of auteurs like Wim Wenders (“Land of Plenty”), Todd Haynes (“I’m Not There”) and Martin Scorsese (the forthcoming “Shutter Island”).

But Ms. Williams, who turns 28 on Tuesday, has become a very public figure for reasons that have little to do with her work. While shooting “Brokeback Mountain” in 2004 she fell into a much-chronicled romance with her co-star Heath Ledger. Stalked by paparazzi, their every move monitored in the gossip pages, the couple set up house in Brooklyn and had a daughter, Matilda. They separated last summer, but the tabloid scrutiny did not let up and if anything has intensified since Mr. Ledger suffered a fatal drug overdose in January.

It has been a difficult year, to say the least, and Ms. Williams acknowledged in a recent interview — her first in eight months, since Mr. Ledger’s death — that she has coped to some extent by throwing herself into her work. She has shot four films in quick succession since last summer, two of which had their premieres at the Cannes Film Festival in May and are due to open this fall.

In the anguished, comic head trip “Synecdoche, New York,” the directorial debut of the screenwriter Charlie Kaufman (“Adaptation”), she is part of a vivid ensemble cast orbiting around Philip Seymour Hoffman’s harried theater director. In “Wendy and Lucy,” the independent filmmaker Kelly Reichardt’s follow-up to the acclaimed “Old Joy,” she’s in every scene as a young woman living hand to mouth on the road when her car breaks down and her dog goes missing in a blue-collar Oregon nowheresville.

“I thought a lot about what you look like when you think nobody’s looking at you, when you feel completely invisible,” Ms. Williams said of her character Wendy. “Your entire life happens inside because you don’t think anyone notices you. Which is very different from me. Not that I don’t have any inside life, but I feel watched, all the time.”

As she spoke over a long lunch at a restaurant near her home in Boerum Hill, Brooklyn, Ms. Williams occasionally paused and smiled wryly as if to acknowledge the unspoken connections with her off-screen life. “It’s all so personal, isn’t it?” she said. “It’s hard to talk about work without talking about things that are personal. Work is personal. I don’t want to talk about my personal life, but it’s on my mind, and it’s in my work.”

Confessing to being apprehensive and out of practice, she thought long and hard before answering questions, searching for the right words — “I want to actually represent how I feel,” she said at one point — but also taking care to avoid unintended disclosures. “It’s a fine line between wanting to be known and understood but also knowing what’s sacred,” she said.

One subject on which she willingly opened up was “Wendy and Lucy” — “probably the smallest film I’ve made,” she said, “and I’ve made some pretty small films.” (It is set to open Dec. 10, and will be shown Sept. 27 and 28 at the New York Film Festival.) Ms. Reichardt was worried that Ms. Williams would have trouble adapting to the microbudget conditions and to her plain-Jane role. “I feared that she was too pretty for the part sometimes, and I was concerned about asking her to go without makeup and not wash her hair for two weeks,” Ms. Reichardt said. “But I think she found that completely liberating.”

Ms. Williams said she relished the intimate scale. Shooting a tiny film on the outskirts of Portland at a time when she “felt particularly adrift” — she and Mr. Ledger had just broken up — she was grateful to find her character’s anonymity rubbing off on her. “I didn’t stand out in that community,” she said. “It was this perfect safe haven.”

“Making something out of nothing,” she added. “I’ve always liked that phrase, and I feel that way about this movie. We were working with so little in every way.” That minimalism extends to her tamped-down performance. Wendy is allowed one outburst but otherwise endures her downward spiral with stoic resilience.

To convey the character’s stubborn sense of purpose Ms. Reichardt showed Ms. Williams films like Max Ophüls’s “Reckless Moment,” with Joan Bennett as a suburban supermom driven to protect her family at all costs, and “Mouchette,” Robert Bresson’s single-minded portrait of a teenage outcast. “Kelly called me her Mouchelle,” she said.

Ms. Williams related to the self-sufficiency of her character: Wendy, heading north to find a job in the Alaskan fisheries, is something like a pioneer heroine for these depressed and exhausted times. “Maybe I read too much Emerson and Whitman at an impressionable age,” Ms. Williams said, referring to her tendency “to do everything” by herself. Her independent streak dates to her teenage years. After a childhood in rural Montana, she completed a high school correspondence course and moved to Los Angeles at 15, declaring herself legally emancipated from her parents.
Ms. Reichardt spoke admiringly of Ms. Williams’s expressive stillness on screen, her ability to tap into wells of emotion while appearing to do very little. “She can make an adjustment that is so subtle and so small it’s like she’s dialing in a station,” Ms. Reichardt said.
That kind of praise comes freely from filmmakers who have directed her. Mr. Kaufman cast her in “Synecdoche” (Oct. 24) partly because he had fond memories of her oddball turn in “Dick” as a nerdy teenager who lives at the Watergate and develops an improbable crush on Richard M. Nixon. “She can be really funny in really surprising ways,” he said. “I love watching her face change.”

Mr. Wenders, who wrote “Land of Plenty” with her in mind, spoke of her honesty, which “transcends any beauty and turns it into goodness, for lack of any other expression.”

There has been no shortage of fulfilling work, especially since her widely praised performance in “Brokeback Mountain.” Mr. Scorsese’s “Shutter Island,” an adaptation of a Dennis Lehane novel that also stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Mark Ruffalo, is due to open next year, and two other films are awaiting United States distribution: “Mammoth,” directed by the Swedish provocateur Lukas Moodysson, and Sharon Maguire’s drama “Incendiary,” which had its premiere at Sundance.

Ms. Williams would seem to be entering her professional prime, but she is reluctant to capitalize on her recent successes. “I’m going to take a year off,” she said. “I think I stopped feeling creative a while ago, and I’m just realizing it now.”

She admitted to feeling the strain of being a working single mom. She reads bedtime stories to Matilda, now nearly 3, in whatever accent she’s practicing — East London for “Incendiary,” Boston for “Shutter Island” — but has had a hard time balancing the immersive demands of acting and the consuming duties of motherhood. “I used to have all the time in the world to daydream and even just to dream and let your unconscious do some of the work for you,” she said. “Now I’m up at 5 in the morning, and I don’t remember what I dreamed about.”

The bleakness of some of the roles has also taken a toll. In “Incendiary” she plays a wife and mother who loses her family in a terrorist attack; while preparing for “Shutter Island” she read case studies on infanticide. “When I work again maybe it should be a comedy,” she said. “I’ve always had a tendency for darker, more lifelike material. I think I had this sense that important things are heavy things. I don’t know if that’s true any more.”

In person Ms. Williams seems like nothing so much as your average 20-something Brooklyn hipster, which should perhaps be no surprise since she has been a New Yorker all her adult life. While making “Dawson’s Creek” she split her time between Wilmington, N.C., where the series was shot, and New York, where she found “wonderful friends who were all orphans in some way, not just actors but writers and musicians and painters.”

She is a little resentful but mostly rueful that she can no longer experience the city the way she used to. “I feel like that’s been taken away from me,” she said. “I’m worried what people are saying or thinking, or if they’re going to follow me, or if someone is going to pop out of a bush with a camera. I’ve started to shut down, but I also know I can’t let it dictate my life.”

She still finds herself reacting to the tabloid intrusions with bewilderment. (In recent months the talk has turned to a rumored relationship with the filmmaker Spike Jonze.) “It feels so surreal,” she said. “How is this my life? When did it get so out of control?”

To be a celebrity is to negotiate a gulf between private self and public image. “It’s a bit of an isolating problem to have,” Ms. Williams said, and so she was gratified to find that this was among the themes of Milan Kundera’s novel “Immortality,” which she read on the plane to Cannes, though she said she wasn’t sure she agreed with the book’s conclusion, “that the self people perceive is just as real because it exists.”

She is an avid reader who favors poetry over novels while filming so she’s not distracted by competing narratives. Looking ahead to her year off she said that she wanted to pick up a skill, some kind of handicraft. “I want to humble myself in front of a task like embroidery,” she said. “I like how physical work can really free your mind.” At a low point last year she signed up for night classes in bookbinding and calligraphy. “I was prouder of my little foldout book than of some movies that I’ve made,” she said.

Despite her claims of burnout, she still talks about acting with a kind of reverential awe. “I’m a Virgo, and I want everything to be fair and equal and clear, and acting just isn’t,” she said. “It’s kind of an incantation or a rain dance.” She loves the research process but is less thrilled about watching the end results (and often doesn’t). “If only the damned things never came out,” she said. “I get far too self-critical when I watch myself.”

In an e-mail message a couple of weeks later, Ms. Williams said she had been mulling over the questions that came up in the interview. “I’ve started thinking more clearly, my head hasn’t been so switched on recently,” she wrote. “I’ve always identified with loners and outcasts, I don’t know why. I guess this is why I found a home in independent film.” She added: “I wanted to work outside the system, which is why all this fame is a real brain teaser. What am I supposed to do with it? Can you work the system without it working you?

“Acting sometimes reminds me of therapy in that the more you talk about a traumatic or profound event, the more it loses its emotional tension. Switch on a bright light and find there is no boogeyman in the closet. So it is the same with a scene. Never tell the other actor or the director what you are ‘doing.’ ” The trick, she added, was to allow herself “to live in so much mystery, to rely on a feeling, an instinct, on faith, really, that everything I need is already inside me, and best I just don’t block the exit.”

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Der Bericht war sehr interessant und wenn ich mal die Chance hätte, würde ich "Wendy and Lucy" gerne mal sehen.


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Los Angeles (dpa) - Hollywood-Schauspielerin Michelle Williams (26) will im Namen ihres verstorbenen Ex-Freundes Heath Ledger den Filmnachwuchs unterstützten.

Wie die US-Zeitschrift «People» berichtete, spendet Williams als erste Geldgeberin in den Topf des Vereins «The Australians in Film», der jungen australischen Schauspielern den Weg nach Hollywood finanzieren möchte. Über die Höhe von Williams' Finanzspritze für das neu ausgerufene Stipendium wurde nichts bekannt. Ledger war bis zu seinem überraschenden Tod im Januar in dem Verein aktiv. Seine australischen Kollegen Nicole Kidman, Naomi Watts und Hugh Jackman engagieren sich ebenfalls. Williams zieht nach Ledger Tod die gemeinsame Tochter Matilda (3) alleine groß.

Die Welt online

"Was vermeid ich denn die Wege,
wo die andern Wandrer gehn ..."
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Ein neuer Artikel über Michelle und ihren Film "Wendy und Lucy":

iW PROFILE | "Wendy and Lucy" Actress Michelle Williams

by Peter Knegt (October 21, 2008 )
"I know how some people might think that when a film is made for such little money, it's a less desirable project," Michelle Williams said recently in an interview with indieWIRE, "But I find it more liberating. There's less pressure." Over the past decade Williams has built her career around such films, from Tom McCarthy's "The Station Agent" to Charlie Kaufman's upcoming "Synecdoche, New York." But she admits the "smallest" film she's ever made is Kelly Reichardt's "Wendy & Lucy, currently gathering significant acclaim on the festival circuit and stirring awards season buzz. "It was the most bare bones," she said.

At a press conference for "Wendy" at the New York Film Festival, director Reichardt spoke to Williams' suggestion. "It was a very scaled down way of making films where there is not a lot of separation between the cast and the crew," Reichardt said. "[Michelle] could't wear any makeup and wasn't aloud to wash her hair for twenty days. And she was down with all of it. You do a scene with her and [afterwards] ask her to grab a light, and she'll do it. She was very game for everything."

Shot over twenty days last August on a reported budget of $300,000, the film is the story of Wendy, played by Williams, and her dog, Lucy (played by Reichardt's own dog, also named Lucy). Wendy has run away from the Midwest, Lucy in tow, in search of a job and quite likely some sense of liberation from whatever plagued her previous existence. En route to Alaska, Wendy's car breaks down in a small Oregon town, and after a serious round of bad luck, she finds herself anxiously searching for her lost dog.

Williams got involved with the project almost immediately after finishing her work on "Synecdoche." "It was a combination of a lot of things," she said of her attraction to the project. "I'd seen 'Old Joy' and I was a big fan of both the film and the performances. I wanted to try something like that. Kelly and I had mutual friends. And they said to me 'Go with her. You guys are gonna catch on like a house on fire.'"

And they did. In a recent telephone conversation, Williams said her relationship with Reichardt was unique when compared to any other experience she'd had with a filmmaker. "There was a bit of preparation," she said. "But mostly, I just fell deep into Kelly's style... Being in that environment she created helped really bring out that character."

Environments like Reichardt's are being challenged. Their finished products are having more and more difficulty finding audiences and distribution. After screenings in Cannes, Toronto, and at NYFF, "Wendy" is being released domestically as the first narrative feature distributed by Adam Yauch's Oscilloscope Laboratories. Its December 10th release date places it in midst of a heavy string of awards-seeking specialty films, many with studio-funded marketing budgets. But Williams admits she hasn't always been invested in what happens to a film beyond her involvement in its production.

"I've never really been interested in the business side of film," she said. "I'm more attached to the character so I've always just wanted to immerse myself in the roles. So I don't always notice these things. But I do know that things have become more dire. And I know working with less money changes things: You can't do certain shots, you're under certain time constraints."

Williams' admirable separation of herself from a film's economy might be tested with "Wendy," in which she has begun to tentatively take the lead to support the movie, "It was different with this film," she said. "Because it was much more of a collaboration [with Reichardt]. And because it was really my first lead role. I have a lot more invested in it."

She said that her and Reichardt "really just made it for themselves," but that stance has been tested as the film met festival after festival with glowing reception, most recently at the New York Film Festival. "The response has really been amazing," Williams said. "Kelly and I really didn't expect it. I mean, seeing it screen at the Zeigfeld with this big audience. It was really gratifying."

Williams' involvement certainly can't hurt come the film's December release. Despite mostly avoiding films with significant mainstream appeal, Williams has had trouble stepping out of the spotlight (primarily due to tragic offscreen events). But, when asked if she considers her fame an opportunity to get her work to larger audiences, she hesitated. "I never really think of that way," she said. "I don't really consider myself a 'celebrity' in that I have some sort of special power or influence."

She even modestly suggested that the film could have worked just as well with another actress, a remarkably doubtful idea. Though she spoke very little dialogue in the movie (despite being in nearly every shot), Williams pulled together a nuanced and disciplined performance likely to be considered her best yet, and potentially a dark horse in this year's awards race. Nominated for an Academy Award for "Brokeback Mountain," Williams' reflection of her past awards experience remains unsettled. "I still don't really know what to make of it," she said.

Williams joked that she is not "Wendy"'s true awards contender. "It was actually Lucy that won the award at Cannes," she said. "The Palm Dog Award. She wears this little award on her collar." So will Lucy become the Academy's first canine nominee? "That'd be amazing," she laughed.

Jokes aside, "Wendy" is surely something the 28-year old should be proud of. It's been over ten years since her breakthrough on the television series "Dawson's Creek," and Williams' maturation as an actress is clear. "I think I've come a long way," she said. "I've been working since I was a teenager. And if I can be proud of anything in my career, it's that I've become better as an actor. And that certainly can be attributed to the filmmakers I've worked with."

In the past two years alone, Williams has worked with Reichardt, Kaufman, Todd Haynes, Lukas Moodysson (on the upcoming "Mammoth," an experience Williams called "incredible"), and Martin Scorcese (the just wrapped "Shutter Island").

Currently taking an indefinite break after the seemingly impossible amount of work she's done recently, Williams is unsure about what kind of projects (or which directors) she'll pursue upon her return. "I feel like I've become out of touch," she sighed. "It's been awhile since I went to see a film. I think I just crossed this line where I became more focused on being a mother. I asked somebody recently what 'High School Musical 3' was. And she said, 'Don't ask that, you sound old!'"
I think the word Williams' friend was looking for was "wise."
22.10.2008 23:52 mio ist offline E-Mail an mio senden Beiträge von mio suchen Nehmen Sie mio in Ihre Freundesliste auf



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Hier ein neuer Newsweek Artikel über Michelle und ihren neuen Film "Wendy and Lucy":


Hier was Michelle über die Trauerarbeit zu sagen hat:

Williams is jovial and chatty, until the conversation turns to Heath. You can see it's still difficult for her to talk about him, and she hasn't done so publicly until now. The first time Ledger's name comes up, she bursts into tears. "It's so sad," Williams says. When she's asked about how she's been doing in the past year, she's silent for a very long time. "I guess it's always changing," she says. There's another pause. "What else can I say?" Her voice is breathy and fragile, and she takes a few gulps of air. "I just wake up each day in a slightly different place—grief is like a moving river, so that's what I mean by 'it's always changing'." She stops again. "It's a strange thing to say"—her words unravel slowly, her eyes tear up—"because I'm at heart an optimistic person, but I would say in some ways it just gets worse. It's just that the more time that passes, the more you miss someone. In some ways it gets worse. That's what I would say."

Und hier Michelle über die Paparazzi:

As she walks back to her car, Williams spots an SUV parked on the side of the road. Is it the paparazzi? No, but her heart still sinks at the thought. The paparazzi are one topic that gets her so riled up, she spits out curse words. "It burns a fire inside of me, the s––– that I've seen people do to get at me or my daughter," she says. "I won't forget it, and I won't support it. I don't want my daughter growing up feeling spied on or threatened." She can't understand how many more pictures people need of her holding a coffee cup in one hand and Matilda in the other. Williams is especially enraged at female photographers, because she thinks women should be protective of mothers. (...) If the paparazzi won't leave her alone, then Williams might just have to leave them behind. She says she'll quit acting, if that's what it takes to get her life back. "If it gets to the point where I can't situate my life in a way that they stay away more, then I'll drop a match on the thing," she says. "I'll be sad. I like to act. It's saved my life over and over again. It's given me a sense of self-esteem, self-worth. I have this thing that I'm in love with—acting—and now it has this baggage." For now, Williams is taking a year off to focus on the job that really matters to her: being Matilda's mom. She's endearingly protective of her daughter. She tells a story about finding a tick on Matilda and getting so worried she almost called 911. "I don't want to work while she's in school," Williams says. "I want her to have a routine. I want the plainest, simplest, most ordinary, habituated routine possible. I just want to know what's coming next."

"Was vermeid ich denn die Wege,
wo die andern Wandrer gehn ..."
21.11.2008 23:10 Frank ist offline E-Mail an Frank senden Beiträge von Frank suchen Nehmen Sie Frank in Ihre Freundesliste auf

Julia1284 Julia1284 ist weiblich


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Man kann sie nur bewundern, dass sie das alles so schafft. Ich finde es nicht in Ordnung, wenn Reporter sie nach Heath fragen. Ich glaube sie hat damit genug zu kämpfen und braucht niemanden, der in dieser Wunde zusätzlich herumbohrt.
Auch was sie über die Paparazzi gesagt hat, ist voll und ganz nachvollziehbar. Und ich denke es werden sich auch in Zukunft immer mehr Schauspieler zurückziehen, wenn es mit diesem Stalking so weitergeht. Das sind auch ganz normale Menschen, die eben ein ganz normales Leben führen wollen, ohne, dass die Öffentlichkeit weiß, wo sie zuletzt zu Mittag gegessen haben. Ich denke es reicht aus, wenn man Fotos von Premieren, Veranstaltungen,...zu sehen bekommt. Lieber kein einziges Foto mehr von den Schauspielern privat, als dass sie uns in Zukunft vorenthalten bleiben wegen Paparazzi, die ihr Privatleben einengen.

"Die wahre Ernte meines täglichen Lebens ist etwas so Unfaßbares, Unbeschreibliches wie Himmelsfarben am Morgen und Abend. Ein wenig Sternenstaub, ein Stückchen Regenbogen - das ist alles." ~ Henry David Thoreau
22.11.2008 15:03 Julia1284 ist offline E-Mail an Julia1284 senden Homepage von Julia1284 Beiträge von Julia1284 suchen Nehmen Sie Julia1284 in Ihre Freundesliste auf

Metallikatz Metallikatz ist weiblich


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Ich glaube, sie ist eine wunderbare Mutter, der das normale Leben ihres Kindes über alles geht, das finde ich sehr beeindruckend. Mir tun die Kinder anderer Stars wie Brad Pitt so leid, die in solch einem Irrsinn aufwachsen müssen und hin und her geschleppt werden.

Dennoch wäre es sehr traurig, wenn Michelle mit der Schauspielerei aufhören würde, nur weil sie aufgrund von Paparazzi kein normales Leben mit ihrem Kind führen kann. Das ist alles so schizophren, die Klatschpresse stürzt sich begeistert auf Promis, die ein unwirkliches Leben leben und ihre Kinder mit in diesen Strudel reissen (siehe Britney Spears), und überschütten sie mit ihrem Spott und ihrer Häme. Gleichzeitig sind sie (die Medien und Paparazzi) es aber doch selbst, die mit ihrer Profitgier und kranken Überschreitung jeglicher Privatsphäre aus den Stars nervliche Wracks machen, die gar nicht mehr wissen, wie man ein normales Leben lebt.
02.12.2008 21:43 Metallikatz ist offline E-Mail an Metallikatz senden Beiträge von Metallikatz suchen Nehmen Sie Metallikatz in Ihre Freundesliste auf

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Michelle Williams flieht mit ihrer Tochter aus New York
Damit sie ihrer dreijährigen Tochter Matilda ein ruhigeres Leben bieten kann, plant Schauspielerin Michelle Williams aus New York wegzuziehen.

Für Michelle Williams geht Familie vor Karriere: Die Aktrice plant von New York nach Frankreich zu ziehen, damit ihre Tochter Matilda ohne zu viel Medienaufmerksamkeit groß werden kann.

Die Blonde aus 'Brokeback Mountain' kommt mit den vielen Paparazzi in Brooklyn, New York, nicht mehr klar, seitdem ihr Ex und Matildas Vaters, Schauspieler Heath Ledger im Januar 2008 an einer Überdosis Tabletten gestorben ist. Sie sehnt sich nach einem ruhigerem Leben, gesteht die nachdenkliche Schönheit in einem Interview und klagt: "Ich will keine Fotografen mehr vor meiner Tür. Ich will, dass es besser wird, wenn meine Tochter aufwächst nicht schlimmer." Nicht nur ein Umzug wäre eine naheliegende Lösung: Williams würde für das Wohl ihres Sprösslings sogar ihre aufstrebende Karriere aufgeben. "Wenn kleinere Filme zu drehen bedeuten würde, weniger von diesen Dingen erleben zu müssen, denn würde ich das tun. Dann könnten wir immer noch in der Stadt leben und müssten nicht komplett verschwinden." Ein zweiter Ausweg klingt dramatischer: "Wenn nicht, ich denke sie haben Gesetze in Frankreich - dann gehen wir da hin", schwört Williams.

Seit dem Tod ihres ehemaligen Geliebten sieht die Aktrice die Klatschpresse mit anderen Augen. Sie beschreibt: "Es macht süchtig. Wenn du über das Leben der anderen liest, vergisst du dein eigenes." Williams macht da bei sich selber keine Ausnahme. Sie gesteht: "Bevor das mit Heath passiert ist, war ich genauso. Ich saß in der Maske und durchforstete alle Klatschblätter!"

Quelle: Gala-online

Illegale Rollatorenrennen fahren!

bj auf die Frage, wie sein Vater den Ruhestand gestalten wird

14.03.2009 18:34 brando ist offline E-Mail an brando senden Beiträge von brando suchen Nehmen Sie brando in Ihre Freundesliste auf

cyanus cyanus ist weiblich


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wow, was für eine Frau, so ehrlich mit dem Herz am rechten Fleck.

Kapitulation: Ja; Resignation: Nie; Optimismus: Ungern; Zuversicht: Immer!
(Hans-Dieter Hüsch)

14.03.2009 19:35 cyanus ist offline E-Mail an cyanus senden Beiträge von cyanus suchen Nehmen Sie cyanus in Ihre Freundesliste auf

Julia1284 Julia1284 ist weiblich


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Man kann sie wirklich nur bewundern. Tolle Frau! Für die kleine Matilda ist dieser Schritt mit Sicherheit auch das Beste. Ich glaube jede Mutter würde das Möglichste tun, dass ihr Kind unter normalen Umständen aufwächst (OK - nicht jede Mutter. Es gibt ja auch einge "Promis" die ihre Kinder geradezu vermarkten).
Ich denke sie macht den richtigen Schritt.

"Die wahre Ernte meines täglichen Lebens ist etwas so Unfaßbares, Unbeschreibliches wie Himmelsfarben am Morgen und Abend. Ein wenig Sternenstaub, ein Stückchen Regenbogen - das ist alles." ~ Henry David Thoreau
15.03.2009 18:38 Julia1284 ist offline E-Mail an Julia1284 senden Homepage von Julia1284 Beiträge von Julia1284 suchen Nehmen Sie Julia1284 in Ihre Freundesliste auf


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Michelle Williams and Spike Jonze to Wed This Summer

Actress Michelle Williams and her film producer boyfriend Spike Jonze reportedly will tie the knot this summer. "They're in love and absolutely thrilled with each other," a source says as quoted by Star Magazine. "They don't see why they should wait much longer."

In the meantime, there haven't been official words from either Michelle or Spike if the wedding report is true. Besides, no record on when and where the wedding will be held.

Michelle Williams began dating Spike Jonze last year. At the beginning of their romance, either party played it coy that they are an item. It took quite sometime for the pair before they finally went public with their love relationship.

On Spike's bond with Michelle's daughter Matilda Rose, whom she has with late actor Heath Ledger, a source reveals, "Spike loves being with Matilda. He's teaching her to skateboard and to ride a bike. He never makes Michelle feel like taking care of her is a burden, because he truly thinks of them all as a family."
04.05.2009 19:44 Joker91 ist offline E-Mail an Joker91 senden Beiträge von Joker91 suchen Nehmen Sie Joker91 in Ihre Freundesliste auf

franke11 franke11 ist weiblich


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A year and a half after the death of Heath Ledger, actress Michelle Williams opens up about love and loss in the October issue of Vogue magazine.

While Michelle says she is still grieving the loss of her former love, she finds comfort in their beautiful daughter Matilda Rose, 3 1/2.

"I just don't see the upside to this," the Oscar-nominated actress says. "You console yourself by saying it's all a deepening process. But it's weird. After the first year, the pain is less intense; it's less immediate. But the magical thinking goes away, too. And that's a whole new reckoning. But every time I really miss [Heath] and wonder where he's gone, I just look at her."

Michelle and Heath met and fell in love on the set of the 2005 film Brokeback Mountain. Looking back, she says it was "a charmed time" when everything seemed just as it should be.

"Brokeback Mountain was an unrepeatable moment in time, a very charmed time in my life. I was in love; I was in a movie I was proud to be a part of, and with a beautiful brand-new baby. Everything was good in that moment."

Unfortunately the moment didn't last forever, and the pair split by the time Matilda was 2. Michelle reveals her answer to the heartache was to get out of town, packing up Matilda and heading to Sweden to work.

"I just didn't want to be at home. Geography is a great solution for heartbreak," she says.

After Heath's tragic death in January 2008, the Wendy and Lucy star admits that there were times when asked herself, "How am I going to get through the day?"

She tells Vogue she would "cry, nap, sit and stare, try to figure out what to make [Matilda] for dinner, talk to friends on the phone. I was holding it together by a string and a paper clip in the fall and winter. I didn't know if I could keep it all together."

She credits her friends with helping her get through those early days.

"Friends never really left me alone when we came up here," she says. "Women and kids really got us through the winter. One got me gardening in the spring, and that's when it started to turn around. I think it's something about being in nature that made it more possible. I remember being on my hands and knees. The ground was cold and muddy. I pushed back the dead leaves and saw the bright green shoots of spring. Under all this decay something was growing. Caring for the garden reminded me to care for myself."

Michelle also opens up about her relationship with director Spike Jonze, revealing that they're no longer together.

"The timing was impossible. I thought falling in love again was the only thing that was going to save me from the pain. This erroneous idea: It just makes things more complicated."

Now, splitting their time between homes in Brooklyn and upstate New York, Michelle says she feels "hopeful and grateful."

"I'm falling more and more in love with [Matilda], and I think she deserves the bulk of my attention. We're lucky. I can work. She can go to a good school. There's a lot there for her. And she can know her dad in so many ways, and so many of his friends who will be able to tell her so many stories. His friends, his family—they were a big part of his life, and they will be a big part of her life."
16.09.2009 15:12 franke11 ist offline E-Mail an franke11 senden Beiträge von franke11 suchen Nehmen Sie franke11 in Ihre Freundesliste auf

LovelySmiley LovelySmiley ist weiblich


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Danke fürs Posten, franke. Seufz.. unglücklich

"You look like you wanna kiss me." - "I do." - "... go on then!"


16.09.2009 15:44 LovelySmiley ist offline E-Mail an LovelySmiley senden Beiträge von LovelySmiley suchen Nehmen Sie LovelySmiley in Ihre Freundesliste auf

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Ich finde, das ist ein ganz wunderbares Interview, traurig, wehmütig, anrührend und tiefsinnig. Erstaunlich, daß sich Michelle der Reporterin so sehr geöffnet hat, sie gibt ja wirklich tiefe Einblicke in ihr Innenleben und wie sie Matilda erklärt, warum wir alle immer Fotos von ihr sehen wollen, hat mir fast die Tränen in die Augen getrieben. Ich denke, sie ist eine tolle Mutter und wird dafür Sorge tragen, daß Matilda ihren Vater nicht vergessen wird oder zumindest immer wieder neu kennenlernen kann.
16.09.2009 16:29 tanzmaeusi ist offline E-Mail an tanzmaeusi senden Beiträge von tanzmaeusi suchen Nehmen Sie tanzmaeusi in Ihre Freundesliste auf

Julia1284 Julia1284 ist weiblich


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Das ist ein ganz tolles Interview! Danke franke!

"I remember being on my hands and knees. The ground was cold and muddy. I pushed back the dead leaves and saw the bright green shoots of spring. Under all this decay something was growing. Caring for the garden reminded me to care for myself."

So schön gesagt!

"Die wahre Ernte meines täglichen Lebens ist etwas so Unfaßbares, Unbeschreibliches wie Himmelsfarben am Morgen und Abend. Ein wenig Sternenstaub, ein Stückchen Regenbogen - das ist alles." ~ Henry David Thoreau
16.09.2009 20:06 Julia1284 ist offline E-Mail an Julia1284 senden Homepage von Julia1284 Beiträge von Julia1284 suchen Nehmen Sie Julia1284 in Ihre Freundesliste auf

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Jetzt bin ich schon wieder den Tränen nahe...
16.09.2009 20:13 Andi ist offline Beiträge von Andi suchen Nehmen Sie Andi in Ihre Freundesliste auf

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